Types of Oracles: Exploring Different Ways to Seek Guidance

A mystical and enchanting feature image for a blog about different types of oracles. The scene includes a glowing crystal ball, tarot cards, rune stone

Oracles have been used from to seek guidance, clarity and predictions of the future. The come in different forms, from ancient spiritual tools to modern digital solutions. There are oracles which provide straight yes or no answer, while others focus on symbolic meaning. In this blog we will dive in to explore different types of oracle and their methodology of work. Let’s start

Yes, or No Oracle

It is a simple way to get a “yes” or “no” answer instantly without much hesitation and effort. This oracle is used for quick decision making without the need of complex interpretations. Digital Yes or No Oracle like the one on our website, provide instant answers at one click. Some people use physical Yes or No Oracles such as coin flip or pendulums, which we will discuss below. If you want an instant answer, then this tool can be helpful.

A mystical-looking digital interface displaying a Yes or No Oracle, with glowing 'Yes' and 'No' buttons, surrounded by a magical aura. The background

You can also read our are article about How Accurate is Yes or No Oracle?

Tarot card oracle

This oracle contains tarot decks which has 78 cards, which are divided in two categories. Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Major Arcana are used for life themes while Minor Arcana are used to predict day to day matters. People use Tarot for a deeper insight in their lover matters, career and spiritual journey. Imagery, symbolism, and placement in spreads are used to interpret the cards. Unlike yes or no oracle tarot gives a deeper open ended guidance rather than a simple yes or no answer. Readers use their experience and intuition to interpret the meaning from the cards.

A set of Tarot cards laid out on a mystical table with candles, crystals, and a glowing aura. The scene has a warm, spiritual atmosphere, with an emph

Rune Oracles

Runes are Norse ancient symbols which are carved on the stone or woods. People draw these randomly to receive guidance same like Tarot readings. Some people believe that runes get signs from ancestral wisdom and spiritual energy. Runes are assigned different different aspects life, such as protection, growth and adversity. If requires interpretation based on the question asked and the runes drawn.

A collection of ancient Norse rune stones scattered on a wooden table, with a mystical, glowing aura around them. The scene is dimly lit with candles,

Pendulum Oracles

A Pendulum is a weighted metal or crystal object or could be made of any other thing, which is hanging from a chain or string. It can swing in different direction, if it moves forward and backwards it means “yes” or if it moves sideways it means “no.” People believe that it is guided by subconscious energy and spiritual guidance. It is simple but a powerful tool, it can be used as an alternative to digital yes or no oracle.

A mystical pendulum swinging over a divination chart with Yes and No markings. The scene has a magical glow, with a mysterious aura, symbolizing fortu

I Ching (Book of Changes) Oracles

It is an ancient Chinese divination system, used for wisdom and guidance. It involves coins and sticks. These are thrown to form hexagrams, which are patterns of six lines. Each hexagram formed tells a different meaning found in the I Ching book. It is used for making life decisions, understanding change and spiritual growth. It is more complex than a Yes or No Oracle but is highly regarded for its depth.

Crystal Ball Oracles or Scrying

As from the name it involves gazing into a crystal ball, mirror or water surface to see visions. It is used by psychics or mystics to interpret messages and symbols. It is believed that the image or symbol scene come from spiritual realms. It requires practice to interpret it correctly. It is not as simple as Yes or No Oracle but people believe it provides strong symbolic and open ended insight.

A glowing crystal ball placed on an ornate stand in a dark, mystical setting. The ball emits a soft light, with swirling magical energy inside, symbol

Astrology Oracles

Astrology based Oracles are popular. They are based on planetary movements, zodiac signs and birth charts. People use it to predict future events, relationships and choices. Horoscope provides daily, weekly and yearly guide lines based on the position of stars. People believe that it influences personality, luck and destiny. It requires birth details and analysis to predict future.

Coin flip and dice Oracles

It is one of the oldest decision making method, flip a coin and find the answer “yes” or “no.” Assign one side with “yes” and the other side with “no.” Dice rolls are used in the same manner odd numbers are assigned “yes” and even numbers are assigned “no.” These methods are based on chance, making them unpredictable but fun. Many people have used it as a way to decide fate since centuries. It can be a physical alternative to Yes or No Oracle.

Dream Oracles

Some people believe that the dreams contain messages from the subconscious or spiritual realm. People believe that it can provide insight into real life events. Symbols, recurring themes and emotions are used to interpret a dream. Dream dictionaries are used to interpret symbols like water, animal or number. Dreams require interpretation and reflection. Many cultures consider dreams as divine message.


Oracles come in different forms, from simple yes/no tool to complex symbolic interpretations. Some rely on randomness while others require spiritual or intuitive insight. It depends on your need which Oracle you choose; you want instant answer or in depth insight. If you are looking for a fast, fun and easy way to get an answer, try the Yes or No Oracle.

No matter what type of Oracle you use it can be a useful way to arrive at a decision.

👉Try now our Yes or No Oracle